Friday, December 2, 2011

The BODY-TALK LIVE© Experience

The BODY-TALK LIVE© Experience



...hosted by the sexiest voice in Talk Radio, Brian Holiday-El, Co-hosted by Manu El and Coach Ya Sutton,  is EXPLODING every myth surrounding sex, love, and relationships, including in depth discussions on human sexuality, exploring the very nature of sex, of sexual types, of what is your specific sexuality, of human sexuality, the genetic basis of comparability and the mechanics of compatability, bonding, and caring and how it is expressed, using a phenomenally precise and magically wonderful tool called the BODY GRAPH.

In other words, aside from entertaining you, BODY-TALK LIVE© is dedicated to empowering and educating our audience as well, and to do so, we use a simple, scientific, colorful, cool-looking, little known, extraordinarily insightful, life enhancing tool called the BODY GRAPH, which is part of and based upon a phenomenally precise system of self-discovery called The Synthesis!

WHAT WE KNOW is that we are all born into this life as unique individuals, with a unique set of potentials, but, that uniqueness, thanks to the conditioning program of this world we're passing through, is buried under layers and layers of mental distortion that results from a life bedecked with unhealthy resistance and filled with, frustration, anger, resentment, and hopelessness; topped off by everything else that comes with, not being ourselves, ignoring and being ignorant of who we really are, carrying on as Not Self.

WHAT WE KNOW is that we ARE NOT here in this life to suffer! The host of the BODY-TALK LIVE© Experience, Brian Holiday-El, sums the point well noting,

"Few things Negatively conditions an individual more than Unhealthy relationships wherein things like self-worth, self-esteem, and sense of Purpose, are Tormented by the phantoms of lies, distrust, and self hatred that haunt malignant Bonds. The souls of these Prisoners of Insecurity become the Graveyards of slaughtered Potential. Check YOUR Pulse, for you just may be in more than one Dead End Relationship" ~TiB

The BODY-TALK LIVE© Experience is nothing short of revolutionary, taking what is arguably the most talked about AND most MIS-understood aspects of Human life, Sexuality, and raises self awareness by bringing intimacy, caring, and sexual issues to the fore in a dialogue about correctness, uniqueness, and individuality. It's thought provoking and exploratory and people will never look at sex or sexuality the same again! It is empowering in that it offers clarity about a subject that is laden with so much confusion and is the source of a great deal of anxiety.

Tastefully, BODY-TALK LIVE©, looks to render the embarrassing and uncomfortable issues regarding sexuality, sex, sexual preference, an objective footing to be dealt with in terms of our underlying uniqueness. It is the earnest hope of the host that after being exposed to BODY-TALK LIVE©, people will begin to honor their bodies and their decisions regarding when or if to share make sex and sexuality a more intelligent aspect of our daily lives, to relieve people of the burdens that come with carrying around false impressions and misunderstandings about how their identities relate to their sexual nature and how these differ from their roles as providers or nurturers.  This show may very well prove to be a deterrent to unwed parents, teenage parents, disease, abuse, and act to curb the general ignorance surrounding the indispensable and unconscious roles that our genes play in bonding.

So, among other things, BODY-TALK LIVE© takes you on an entertaining verbal and visual journey through the many themes of human sexuality and human caring or nurturing, the various sexual bonding strategies that the genes in our bodies carryout via our Genetic Imperatives for reproducing and for caring, leading the listener to what is ultimately his/her correct "Door" for entering into an intimate connection with the other.

Have you ever heard the phrase, "the body has a mind of it's own?" Well, what it really has is its own Intelligence, and one of the ways we get to see the beauty of our own bodies' mechanincs and how they work is in how we express ourselves through the unique design of our own Sexuality!  The truth is, when it comes to human sexuality there's a wide and diverse spectrum of sexual natures and that's what we're exploring on BODY-TALK LIVE©!!/BrianHolidayEl

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